var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); var COMMONURL='/c/'; var VS_APIURL='//'; /* this is the correct js file to edit but include vs.js.php */ if (typeof COMMONURL=='undefined' || COMMONURL=='') COMMONURL='/c/'; if (typeof VS_APIURL=='undefined' || VS_APIURL=='') VS_APIURL='//'; var vsopenee=new Array(); var clipboard_open=false; var vsdata = {}; jQuery(function($){ if (typeof include_css_once=="undefined"){ function include_css_once(fn){ if ($('head link[href="'+fn+'"]').length<1) $('head').append(''); } } vsdata._xdomaincheck=false;; // page includes TL images vsdata.api='https:'+VS_APIURL; //';''; vsdata.logo=vsdata.api+'view.logo/'; vsdata.local=COMMONURL+'vs/vs.php?'; vsdata.tlurl='https://'; include_css_once(COMMONURL+'vs/vs.css'); include_css_once(COMMONURL+'themes/cloud/cloud_popdrops.css'); vs_init(); // get the logo ref in session vs_getCookie(function(){ // if there isn't one, look for a default vs_checkForDefaultLogo(); vs_updateBlankImages(); }); }); /** * find the default logo (working on only one per page right now) * @param {string} link */ function vs_checkForDefaultLogo(){ if (vsdata.logoref == '') vsdata.logoref = 0; if (vsdata.logoref == 0 && $('[class*="js_vslogorefdefault-"]').length) vsdata.logoref = $('[class*="js_vslogorefdefault-"]:first').val(); } // updates images that are using (session) as the logo ref function vs_updateBlankImages() { // find only the required imges $('img.js_vsdatasrc').each(function(){ var $el = $(this); // replace the logo // replace with empty if no logo in session avoiding !b=() and !b=(0) var replace = ''; if (vsdata.logoref) replace = '!b=(' + vsdata.logoref + ')'; var src = $'src').replace('!b=(session)', replace); // if they are bigger than 200 replace them. Not sure why we do this here if ($el.width() > 200) src = vs_resizeSrcTo300(src); // update the src attribute $el.attr('src', src).data('src', ''); }); } function vs_resizeSrcTo300(src){ return src.replace('_125.','_300.').replace('--125.','--300.').replace('~s=125','~s=300').replace('!s=125','!s=300').replace('width=125','width=300').replace('height=125','height=300'); } if (typeof maxZ=="undefined"){ function maxZ(){ return Math.max.apply(null,$.map($('body > *'), function(e,n){ if ($(e).css('position')=='absolute') return parseInt($(e).css('z-index'))||1 ; }) ); } } function vs_refreshSelectors(){ $('.vs-selectlogo').each(function(){vs_init_selector($(this));}); } function vs_init_selector(el, options){ if (options==undefined) options=vs_getOptions(el); if (options.size==undefined) options.size=150; if (options.session==undefined) options.session=false; if (options.system==undefined) options.system='cloud'; var thisclass='vs-selectlogo-'; var url=COMMONURL+'vs/vs.php?link=' (options.session? '&session='+options.session : '') +'&system='+options.system+'&size='+options.size; if (options.access!=undefined) url+='&access='+options.access; if (options.classname!=undefined) url+='&classname='+escape(options.classname); if (options.filter!=undefined) url+='&filter='+options.filter; el.addClass(thisclass).addClass('vs-selectlogo'); el.load(url,function(){ if (options.buttontext!=undefined) el.find('b:first').text(options.buttontext); //if (options.nostyle!=undefined) el.find('*').removeClass('button-vs').removeClass('button-vs-main'); vs_init('.'+thisclass); vs_filterInit(); vsdata.token=$('.vs-token:first').val(); }); el.css({cursor:'pointer'}).bind('click',function(){ // vs_openSelectLogo(; }); } function vs_init(parent, forcerefresh){ $=jQuery; if (forcerefresh==undefined) forcerefresh=false; if (parent==undefined) parent=''; if (typeof(parent)=='string') var $vselements=$(parent+' *[class*="vs{"]'); else var $vselements=$(parent).find('*[class*="vs{"]'); var img=0; $vselements.each(function(i){ /* *** SETUP ONLY This is for making elements ready for vs_doSelectLogo() which is called onchange of logo vs_doSelectLogo(). All actions are to go in that vs_doSelectLogo(). *** */ var $el=$(this); var options=vs_getOptions($el); if (!=undefined){ if (!$(this).data('vs-init')){ // only once $(this).data('vs-init', true); = vsSafeLinkRef(; // check more more than one link because // me:img and me:tlimg can be affected by more than one link. if ('/'))'/'); else; $el.addClass('js_vslink-'; if (!=undefined){ switch ({ case 'selectlogo': vs_init_selector($el, options); break; case 'opener': // , '.popdrop-labels' can't be VS drop down opener buttons. what is this to fix? $(this, '.popdrop-labels').addClass('js_vsopener-''click',function(e, e_passed){ if (e_passed) e=e_passed; // event has been passed from another function triggering click vs_dropDown(, 0, e); }).bind('mouseleave',function(){ $('.js_vsopenee-''js_vsisopen'); vs_dropUp(; }); //.bind('mouseenter',function(e){ // vs_dropDown(,1000,e); //}) break; case 'openee': // , '.popdrop-labels' can't also be VS drop down divs. what is this to fix? $(this, '.popdrop-labels').addClass('js_vsopenee-''mouseenter',function(){ $(this).addClass('js_vsisopen'); }).bind('mouseleave',function(){ $(this).removeClass('js_vsisopen'); vs_dropUp(; // #column-wide, #topbar, #search_re etc ect - can't be this specific. i asked why this was here, no response. removed until i see the bug in mantis // if ($.browser.msie) // { // // $("#column-wide, #topbar, #search_results_list, .boxwrapper, #edit-view, #design-view").bind('mouseenter',function(){ // vs_dropUp(; // }); // } // else // { // vs_dropUp(; // } }); /* splice this div from here and append to body - some CSS styles were conflicting when left inline */ $(this).appendTo('body'); break; case 'clearlogo': $el.addClass('vs-clearlogo'); $el.css({cursor:'pointer'}).bind('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); vs_dropUp(, true); vs_doSelectLogo(, 0, options.session); }); break; case 'download': //Mantis #10245 $el.addClass('vs-download'); $el.html('View/Download'); break; case 'img': for (i in options.links) $el.addClass('js_vsimg-'+options.links[i]); /* if (options.size!=undefined) { var thiscss={width:options.size+'px', height:options.size+'px'}; $el.css(thiscss); $el.find('img').css(thiscss); } else */ if ($el.find('img').length>0) { $el.css({width:$el.find('img').width()+'px', height:$el.find('img').height()+'px'}); } break; case 'tlimg': for (i in options.links) $el.addClass('js_vstl').addClass('js_vstlimg-'+options.links[i]).addClass('nigelogo_'; /* if (options.size!=undefined) { var thiscss={width:options.size+'px', height:options.size+'px'}; $el.css(thiscss); $el.find('img').css(thiscss); } else */ if ($el.find('img').length>0) $el.css({width:$el.find('img').width()+'px', height:$el.find('img').height()+'px'});; break; case 'logoref': // Mantis #14585 // in some instances we want a default logo that clearlogo is to set to var $clone = $(this).clone(); $(this).addClass('js_vslogoref-'; if (typeof options.isdefault != 'undefined' && options.isdefault){ // in the case of vs{me:logoref, isdefault: true, link:myref} $clone.addClass('js_vslogorefdefault-''body'); } break; case 'showlogo': $el.addClass('js_vsshowlogo js_vsshowlogo-'; // more actions performed after all elements have their classes break; case 'updater': $el.addClass('js_vsupdater-'; break; case 'debug': $el.addClass('js_vsdebug-'; break; case 'setlogo': $el.bind('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); vs_dropUp(, true); vs_doSelectLogo(, options.logoref, options.session); }); break; case 'uploader': $el.addClass('vs-uploader'); $el.css({cursor:'pointer'}).bind('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); vs_openManageLogos($el,options); }); break; } } } } // elements that may or may not require if (!=undefined) { switch ( { case 'managelogos': $el.addClass('vs-managelogos'); $el.css({cursor:'pointer'}).bind('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); vs_openManageLogos($el,options); }); break; } } }); // showlogo needs running after the link classes have been added because it may use a logoref as its logo $vselements.filter('.js_vsshowlogo').each(function(){ var $el=$(this); var options=vs_getOptions($el); // make sure it has a size and an img. if (typeof options.size == 'undefined'){ options.size=parseInt($el.height()); if (options.size == 0){ options.size=$el.find('img').height(); } } if (typeof == 'undefined') = false; if (typeof options.logoref == 'undefined' || options.logoref == '') options.logoref = false; // use matching logoref input field if it exists and there's no options.logoref if (!options.logoref){ var $logoref = $('input.js_vslogoref-' + + ':first'); if ($logoref.length) options.logoref = $logoref.val(); } var $img = $el.find('img'); if (!$img.length) $img = $('').appendTo($el); if (options.logoref &&{ //download options Mantis #10245 $img.wrap( $('', { target: '_blank', rel: 'external', href: vsdata.logo+options.logoref, }) ); } var src; if (options.logoref) src = vsdata.logo+options.logoref+ '!fit='+ options.size+'.png'; else src = vsdata.api + 'nologo.png'; $img .css({ width:options.size+'px', height:options.size+'px', }) .data('height',options.size) .attr('src', src) ; }); $('.js_vstl, .js_vsimg').css({background:'url('+vsdata.api+'vs-loading.gif) no-repeat center', display:'block'}); } function vs_doSetCookie(session, logoref){ var url = vsdata.local + 'go=setlogo&session=' + session + '&logoref=' + logoref; $.get(url); } function vs_setCookie(session) { vs_doSetCookie(session, vsdata.logoref); } function vs_getCookie(callback) { var url=vsdata.local+'go=getlogo'; $.ajax({ url: vsdata.local, type: 'POST', data: { 'go': 'getlogo' }, success: function(response){ vsdata.logoref = response; if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); } }); } function vs_deleteCookie() { vs_doSetCookie(''); } function vs_filterInit(){ $('.popdrop-labels').unbind('change').bind('change',function(){ var filter=$(this).parents('.popdrop-pop').find('.popdrop-filter'); if ($(this).val()=='') filter.val(''); else filter.val('label:'+$(this).val()); vs_filterDo($(this).parents('.popdrop-pop')); }); $('.popdrop-filter').unbind('keyup').bind('keyup',function(){ vs_filterDo($(this).parents('.popdrop-pop')); $('.popdrop-labels option').attr('selected',''); }); $('.popdrop-clearfilter').unbind('click').bind('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.popdrop-labels option').attr('selected',''); var popdrop=$(this).parents('.popdrop-pop'); popdrop.find('.popdrop-filter').val(''); vs_filterDo($(this).parents('.popdrop-pop')); }); $('.popdrop-pop').each(function(){vs_filterDo($(this));}); // doesn't matter if this does some more than once } function vs_filterDo($popdrop){ var $logos = $popdrop.find('.popdrop-list li').show(); var filter = $popdrop.find('.popdrop-filter').val().toLowerCase(); var $resultstext = $popdrop.find('.popdrop-resultstext').empty(); $logos.each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('class').toLowerCase().indexOf(filter)<0) { $(this).hide(); }; }); if (filter != ''){ if (filter.match(/label:/g)) message = 'label "' + filter.replace('label:','') + '"'; else message = '"'+filter+'"'; var visible = $logos.filter(':visible').length; if (visible === 1){ message = '1 logo matches ' + message; }else if (visible){ message = visible + ' logos match ' + message; }else{ message = 'No logos match ' + message; $('', { href: '#', role: 'button', }).on('click', function(){ $popdrop.find('.popdrop-clearfilter:first').trigger('click'); }).text('Clear filter').appendTo($resultstext); } }else{ message = 'Showing all logos'; } $resultstext.prepend($('').html(message + ' ')); } function vs_getOptions($el){ if ($'vs')) { return $'vs'); } var options=$.extend(); var classes=$el.attr('class'); if (classes!=undefined){ // regex may be unescaping the string so try this method //regexp=new RegExp(/vs\{(.*?)\}/gi) //if (m=regexp.exec(classes)) //{ // optslist=m[1]; var optslist=classes.split('{')[1].split('}')[0]; if (optslist!=undefined){ cs=optslist.replace('+','').replace(' ','').split(','); // remove things that break it for (i in cs){ var b=$.trim(cs[i]).split(':'); if (b[0].indexOf('function') === 0) continue; // Mantis #14635 eval ("options=$.extend(options, {'"+b[0]+"':'"+b[1]+"'});"); // eval ("options."+b[0]+"='"+b[1]+"'"); } } } return options; } function vs_doSelectLogo(link, logoref, session){ if (typeof logoref==undefined || logoref=='undefined') return; // set the global var vsdata.logoref = logoref; // store the logoref in session if (session) vs_setCookie(session); // now check for default vs_checkForDefaultLogo(); // brand images if ( imgBondImages(vsdata.logoref, link); vs_bondImages(link, vsdata.logoref); // show logo $('.js_vsshowlogo-'+link+' img').each(function(){ if (!vsdata.logoref){ $(this).hide(); }else{ if ($(this).height()!=undefined && $(this).height()!=0) h=$(this).height(); else if ($(this).data('height')!=undefined) h=$(this).data('height'); else h=300; var src= vsdata.logo + vsdata.logoref + '!fit='+ h +'.png'; $(this).attr("src", src); $(this).show(); } }); // update any input fields that expect to be $('input.js_vslogoref-'+link+', form.js_vsupdater-'+link+' input[name=logoref]').val(vsdata.logoref).trigger('change'); if(typeof $().ajaxSubmit == 'function') $('form.js_vsupdater-'+link).ajaxSubmit(); if ($.clipboard_exists!=undefined && $.clipboard_exists==true) clipboard_load(); } function vs_openSelectLogo(link) { /* pops open select logo window, telling the selection which vslink to action on */ var selector='.js_vslink-'+link; } function vs_clearLogo(link) { /* pops open select logo window, telling the selection which vslink to action on */ var selector='.js_vslink-'+link; } function vs_openManageLogos($el, options){ /* pops open select logo window, telling the selection which vslink to action on */ // sometimes only the upload option is wanted, but it takes a bit of work because this is xdomain if ('uploader'){ var url=vsdata.api + '?token=' + vsdata.token + '&go=logo.uploadform&func=options&me=uploader&link=' + escape(; if (typeof options.session != 'undefined') url += '&session=' + options.session; vsdata._xdomaincheck=true; vs_checkXdomain(options, 1000); }else{ var url = vsdata.api + '?token=' + vsdata.token + '&go=logo.many&func=options'; } // if no label look for filter in popdrop if (typeof options.label == 'undefined'){ // mantis #15269 var element = $el.closest('.popdrop-pop').find('.popdrop-filter').val(); if(typeof element != 'undefined') { options.label = $el.closest('.popdrop-pop').find('.popdrop-filter').val().replace('label:', ''); } } if (options.label) url += '&label=' + options.label; $('
').appendTo('body').css({opacity:0.7,height:document.height+'px'}); $('
').appendTo('body'); var top=$(document).scrollTop()+($(window).height()*0.5)-($('#vs-managewrap').height()*0.5)-20; $('#vs-managewrap').css({top:top+'px',zIndex:maxZ()+1000}).show(); $('#vs-manageclose').bind('click',function(e){e.preventDefault(); vs_manageClose()}); } function vs_manageClose(){ $('#vs-managewrap').remove(); $('#vs-obscure').remove(); vs_refreshSelectors(); vsdata._xdomaincheck=false; } function vs_checkXdomain(options, delay){ // TODO: make this a long poll or trigger from the iframe with listener if (options.session==undefined) options.session=''; $.get(vsdata.local+'go=logo.xdomain&token='+vsdata.token+'',function(data){ d=data.split('|'); if (d[0]=='t') { //console(d[1].replace('##link##',; eval(d[1].replace('##link##','##session##',options.session)); vs_manageClose(); } else if(vsdata._xdomaincheck) setTimeout(function(){vs_checkXdomain(options,delay*1.5)},delay); // lengthen delay each time }); } function vs_bondImages(link, logoref){ $('.js_vsdebug-'+link).html(''); var selector='.js_vsimg-'+link; $(selector).each(function(){ var el=$(this); var $img = $(this).find('img'); var src = $img.attr('src'); var newsrc = vs_brandSrc(src, logoref); if (src != newsrc){ el.css('opacity',0.5); // background by now is a loading gif // not used var id='js_vsimg-' + logoref + (Math.random()*999999); el.find('img').attr('src',vsdata.api+'vs-loading.gif'); $('').attr('src',newsrc).load(function(){ //#Mantis 11598 el.find('img').each(function() { $(this).attr('src',newsrc).show(); var src300=$(this).attr('src').replace('~s=80','~s=300').replace('!s=80','!s=300'); $(this).data('src300',src300); }) $('.js_vsdebug-'+link).html(''); el.css('opacity',1); }) } }); } function vs_dropUp(link, force) { if (force!=undefined && force) { $('.js_vsopenee-'+link).slideUp(200); } else { setTimeout(function(){ if (!$('.js_vsopenee-'+link).is('.js_vsisopen')) $('.js_vsopenee-'+link).slideUp(300); },300); } } function vs_dropDown(link, wait, e){ if (wait==undefined) wait=0; if (true){ // feign lazy-load by loading in batches, to de-prioritize the loading of elements var imgLoadTimeout = function() { $('img.vs-oninit:lt(10)').each(function(){ if ($(this).attr('rel')!='') $(this).attr({src:$(this).attr('rel'), rel:''}).removeClass('vs-oninit'); }); if ($('img.vs-oninit:lt(10)').length > 0) { setTimeout(imgLoadTimeout, 500); } }; imgLoadTimeout(); var button=$('.js_vsopener-'+link); var popdrop=$('.js_vsopenee-'+link); popdrop.addClass('js_vsisopen'); setTimeout(function(){ var popwidth=popdrop.width(); var popheight=popdrop.height(); var left=e.pageX-(popwidth/2); if (button.position().top>0){ /*var top=button.position().top+button.height()-7; } else //This was taken out for Mantis Ticket #2932 BrianG { // struggling to get location of button so using mousepos */var top=e.pageY-(popheight/3); } if (top<50) top=50; // avoid top menu // don't fall off left if (left<10) left=10; // dont' fall off right var windoww=$(window).width(); if (left+popwidth>windoww) left=windoww-popwidth-20; popdrop.css({position:'absolute', top:top+'px', left:left+'px', zIndex:maxZ()+100}); // auto position //var top=button.position().top+button.height()-7; //var left=button.position().left+button.width()-popdrop.width()+10; // var modal=popdrop.parents('div:last'); //if (left<0) left=5; //popdrop.css({position:'absolute', top:top+'px', left:left+'px'}); //$('*').css('z-index',1); if ($('.js_vsopenee-'+link).is('.js_vsisopen')){zIndex:maxZ()+100}); },wait); } } function vs_brandSrc(src, logoref){ // if no brading add a blank one if (src.indexOf('!b') < 0){ bits = src.split('.'); ext = bits.pop(); src = bits.join('.') + '!b=().' + ext; } // replace branding regexp=new RegExp(/!b\=\(.*\)/i); if (m=regexp.exec(src)) { src = src.replace(m[0], '!b=('+logoref+')'); } return src; } function vs_bondSrc(watermark, ref, size, logo){ return vsdata.process + watermark + '.' + ref + '.s=' + size + '!b=' + logo + '.jpg'; } function vs_imageBonding(el,bool) { if (bool) { el.append('
'); } else { el.find('.vsloading').remove(); } } /* old method */ function imgBondImages(logo_id, link, func){ /* repost the logo change all images */ //logo_id=logo_id.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g,''); if (logo_id!=''){ //popMsg('Branding images... Some product images may take a few seconds to refresh after this message disappears.',true); $('.js_vstlimg-'+link+' img').css('opacity',0.5); var pos=$('.js_vstl:first').position(); $('body').append('
Processing logo...
'); $.get(COMMONURL+'vs/uploadtotl.php?r='+escape(logo_id),function(d){ $('#vstl-uploading').remove(); if (func=='session') $.get('ajax.php?go=misc&do=bondlogo&bondlogo='+logo_id+'&bondlogoref='+d); $('.js_vstlimg-'+link).each(function(){ imgBondImage($(this),d); }); }); }else{ if (func=='session') $.get('ajax.php?go=misc&do=bondlogo&bondlogo=0&bondlogoref=0'); $('.js_vstlimg-'+link).each(function(){ imgBondImage($(this),0); }); } } function imgBondImage(el,d){ var elimg=el.find('img'); var classes=el.attr('class').split(' '); var size; for (i=0; i').attr('src',src).load(function(){ elimg.attr('src',src).css({opacity:1}); }); } function vsSafeLinkRef(string){ // some systems are using unwanted characters as the link reference so we need to work around this return string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]\/+/g,'-'); /* returnstring = ''; var chars = string.split(''); for (i in chars){ if (chars[i] == '/') returnstring += '/'; else returnstring += chars[i].charCodeAt(0); } return returnstring; */ } if (window['loadFirebugConsole']) { window.loadFirebugConsole(); } else { if (!window['console']) { window.console = function(){}; = function(){}; window.console.log = function(){}; window.console.warn = function(){}; window.console.error = function(){}; } } /* jQuery(function($){ vsdata.view360.start({ imagePrefix:'https://' ,imageRange:12 ,imageSuffix:'.jpg' ,target:$('#vs3d') }); }); */ $.extend({ vs3d:{ settings:{ wait:300 } , playing:false , images:new Array() , cache:new Array() , start:function(options){ for (i=1; i<=options.imageRange; i++) { j=('0'+String(i)).substr(-2); var src=options.imagePrefix+j+options.imageSuffix; this.images.push(src); this.preloadImages(src); };'.vs3d-playpause').bind('click',function(){ if (vsdata.view360.playing) vsdata.view360.pause(); else; return false; }).end().find('.vs3d-prev').bind('click',function(){ vsdata.view360.prev(); }).end().find('.vs3d-next').bind('click',function(){; }); this.amount=i;;; } , play:function(){ if (true)//!this.playing) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.playing=true;'.vs3d-playpause').removeClass('vs3d-paused').addClass('vs3d-playing');;; this.timer=setTimeout(function(){; },this.settings.wait); } } , pause:function(){ this.playing=false;'.vs3d-playpause').addClass('vs3d-paused').removeClass('vs3d-playing'); clearTimeout(this.timer); } , prev:function(){ this.pause();;; } , next:function(){ this.pause();;; } , show:function(){ if (; if (<0);'.i').html(''); } , preloadImages: function() { var args_len = arguments.length; for (var i = args_len; i--;) { var cacheImage = document.createElement('img'); cacheImage.src = arguments[i]; this.cache.push(cacheImage); } } } }); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 03:03:43 Dec 28, 2014 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 16:01:28 Jul 29, 2022. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 1005.882 exclusion.robots: 0.209 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.203 cdx.remote: 0.062 esindex: 0.009 LoadShardBlock: 947.511 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 901.57 (4) CDXLines.iter: 11.84 (3) load_resource: 199.3 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 32.658 */